Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Why Free Software Shouldn't Worry About Proprietary Mobile Phone Applications

Many with the free software philosophy, using software that gives the end user freedom versus just being a free product, are a bit concerned about open source platforms that are becoming popular like Android. The concern is that while the platform is open, the applications that sit on top of it are mostly paid, commercial products. Free software is starting to win on the platform level on mobile devices but is potentially losing on the application side. Some have started to worry.

The reality is that there isn't a need to worry. At this point in time the way things are right now is because of how software development works. The companies with the capital to develop software for new platforms like Android are going to do it first. They can take the money and hire the talent needed to make applications. Some of these companies will get a return on investment while many of them will fail in their efforts.


What this process does for free software is show what applications are actually needed by the end users. Those who program and believe in free software can start making applications that perform the same functions. Eventually people will find it silly to pay for an application where there is a free alternative that does many of the exact same functions.

The problem is that many in the free software movement have expected that free and open platforms would only have free and open applications. The reality is that there will always be a hybrid because there is money to be made when a platform opens a company up to millions of new customers. Paid software is not something to be feared. Instead of being mad, frustrated, or scared, use successful paid software as a model to know what the average user really wants to develop open source projects that will help users long term.

Why Free Software Shouldn't Worry About Proprietary Mobile Phone Applications


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