It seems every time we turn around, a new career path is being created. If there is one thing all these options have in common is a conventional, simple college degree focusing on one key area is not enough. These interdisciplinary occupations are often a mixed bag, relying on two or more academic tracks; one usually as a major, the other as a minor. That being the case, those studying many of the humanities and business might want to consider psychology as their minor.
In its near 150 years of existence, one thing psychology has proven is it can be applied to just about every discipline involving a human being. At its core, it's a science that specializes in understanding such basic human factors as motivation, desire and human behavior in general. As such, it can be applied to everything - from those as ethereal as history or art appreciation, to as pragmatic as marketing, health care and criminal justice.
If anything, a professional armed with a psychology minor now has the tools to not only quantify how a person or group will do something, but also get into why that group or individual did it. This can provide an employer with invaluable data when it comes to everything from planning an advertising campaign to fighting crime.
One thing students will find is just how fascinating a field psychology can be. Yes, most everyone has heard of such historic contributors as Freud or Skinner, as well as the team of Masters and Johnson. On a more practical front, the concepts these various psychologists produced provide some illuminating philosophies on how the mind works.
One can pile up the reasons to consider courses in psychology. Fortunately, a student can test the waters pretty easily before making the jump. What that student can do is simply consult with their brick and mortar or online college's list of courses and take an Introduction to Psychology course as a free elective. If you like the class, and do well, then consult with your career counselor about making it a minor. If not, you filled a free elective class at the worst.
If you do decide to continue, recommended additional courses should include courses with titles like Analysis of Psychological Data, Behavior, Applied Psychology and Development. In all, most schools require one or two basic courses and three to four advanced, but that's another subject to discuss with your career counselor.
True, there is no study showing if people with psychology minors do earn more than those who don't have one. On the other hand, there's anecdotal data proving those with better-rounded degrees are becoming more desirable than those who concentrated on one field and one field only.
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