Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Your Speech is Important During an Interview

A lot of people do not have a clear understand of how important your speech is during an interview. One word can clearly describe good speech in an interview; confidence.

An employer is looking for someone who is confident in the abilities. The best way to show this is confidence in the interview. Your speech says a lot about you. Don't try to impress your prospective employer with those big five dollar words, it could be perceived as arrogance. On the other side of the coin, don't sit in your chair and speak so softly that you can hardly be heard. This could leave an employer thinking you are not strong enough for the position.


When it comes to your speech in your resume", you should make sure it sounds like you. I know that sounds strange, but your resume', is the first impression your prospective employer gets of you. If you have a strong sounding resume' but walk in sounding shy, you will blow the chance of a second interview. If you are not confident in your speech, practice the items listed below, and before you know it, you will have the confidence to master any interview.

Make every word an important word. No need to put a lot of fluff into selling yourself. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Think about the words before they come out, this will eliminate a lot of those "filler words". In a professional interview never use slang. This will kill the interview.

Slow down you speech. It is not uncommon, when you are nervous, to speed up your speech. A good rule to live by, until you have mastered dealing with that initial nervousness, is to take a deep breath before you answer a question. Some have also found that counting 1....2....3, silently, also helps in the speed of your speech. Always pause before answer a question. This shows that you are thinking about your answer rather than blurting something out that may sound silly and unprofessional.

Remember what you are saying is important. Speak with confidence. When you appear to know what you are talking about, instead of talking in circle will impress an employer. Let them know by your answer that the questions they are asking are just as important to you as the job you are interviewing for.

If you think you lack the confidence you need to nail an interview, look in a mirror and practice. Looking good on paper is one thing, but confidence in your speech during an interview can nail you the job.

Your Speech is Important During an Interview


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