Thursday, October 20, 2011

Requirement of a Rental Application Template

A rental application template is vital while deciding upon renting a house. Since the template demands a number of important details to be filled in, it is always advisable, to read the documents carefully before signing the agreement.

application squeegee

There is a procedural approach towards renting a house to a second party, and the rental application template has the following contents


• The first part of the template describes the name of the name of the tenant, the term of beginning and ending of residing of the tenant in the rented property. It mentions the monthly rental payable along with the rental payable in advance prior to the tenants occupying the rented property.

• The next part describes that, in case of any damages caused to the property by the tenant or a failure in the execution of the terms and conditions of the lease, the advance deposit will be forfeited as the charges for the damages.

• If the application is not accepted, or if the property to be rented is not ready for residing by the date specified in the template, the advance rental deposit will be refunded to the applicant by the owner.

• It is followed by the personal details of the applicant including the number of residents that will be residing in the rented property, pets if any, the present and the previous address.

• The next part requires the professional details of the applicant, which include, the place where he is working, the employer's details, annual income details and the time of serving in the current job. It also involves mentioning of professional details of any other resident member.

• The references including the bank details and bank's contact information are asked in this part.

• Finally the form is agreed to and signed by both the parties.

It is always beneficial to follow the rules described in a rental application template, as adhering to these conditions, one can avoid any kinds of legal complications in future.

Requirement of a Rental Application Template


Job Description 101: Software Application Developer

Computer courses hardly become out of date, simply because computers and digital technology are what predominates the future. As more and more companies enter the virtual world to reach more customers around the globe, invaluable persons such as the computer programmer and the software application developer are always in demand.

application server

Computer software pertains to a group of programs and applications that control hardware. These programs direct the way people use gadgets and computers to achieve their desired purpose. The developer is the one who creates and designs such applications for the use of the general public.



A software application developer does not only design the actual program, but is involved in every step starting from the conception and visualization of the intended output until the release of the application itself. He, therefore, must have adequate skills in research, computer engineering, software modification, and all other activities involved in software development. Critical thinking and trial-and-error are often employed in the process, and the programmer must be willing to devote enough time and energy to make space for possible errors and time-consuming corrections.

Job Functions

The software application developer is responsible for various tasks, including understanding what the company needs and wants as the end product of a certain project. Often, certain specifications have to be met, and the programmer must keep in tune with the rest of the team to make sure he stays on the same page. His responsibilities may also include modifying existing software applications, apart from creating new ones. Companies often have the need to update and upgrade their existing database, and that's where they require the expertise of a software programmer. When he is assigned to work with a team of computer experts, he may be given the responsibility of training and coordinating with the rest of the group so that individual efforts become synced toward a common goal. In cases wherein technical problems in the company arise, he is expected to be able to provide input and possible solutions to overcome such glitches in the system.

The job of a software application developer is not necessarily limited to computers and software. He is normally required to work with a team, and to work together with the company executives, and therefore he must possess commendable interpersonal, social, and team skills in order to be suited for the profession. Advanced knowledge in computer programming and software development as well as valuable years of experience may be a plus, but work ethics also counts as a relatively heavy criterion in the evaluation of job applications.

Job Description 101: Software Application Developer


Medicare Application - Do Both You And Your Provider Have To Apply?

Medicare is a health insurance program provided by the United States government. The Medicare Program covers citizens who are 65 years old or older, or those meeting other specific criteria.


The Medicare program is administered by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) department. In order for you to take advantage of Medicare, and for your physician to accept your coverage, you must both complete a Medicare application.


Medicare coverage and information is subject to change without notice. You should always check with your local Social Security agency before relying solely on this article.

Individual Coverage

Most people qualify for Medicare when they reach 65 years old or if certain medical conditions apply. Anyone already receiving Social Security benefits will automatically enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B. Because you must pay a premium for Part B coverage, you have the choice not to include Part B coverage on your Medicare application. Persons who are automatically eligible will be notified several months prior to their eligibility birthdate with the proper information.

Individuals who are not automatically enrolled must complete the Medicare application CMS 40B, Application for Enrollment in Medicare. To obtain this form, you must either visit your local Social Security Administration office or arrange for a Medicare application appointment at 1-800-772-1213.

For convenience, an application for monthly benefits for retirement, disability, or a spouse is often submitted with the Medicare application. It is possible to apply for these monthly benefits online at [] Your local Social Security office can also help you with this application.

Provider Coverage

Medical providers desiring to participate in the Medicare health insurance program must submit a Medicare application. One example applicable to doctors, hospitals, and ambulance is Form CMS 10115, Section 1011 Provider Enrollment Application. This relatively short form requires basic contact information as well as the applicant's Medicare Identification Number, Federal Tax Identification Number, and, for hospitals only, lists of physicians with hospital privileges and their provider numbers.

Examples of a Medicare application for different providers include:

Form CMS 855A, Medical Enrollment Application - Institutional Providers
applies to: Community Mental Health Centers, Comprehensive Outpatient
Rehabilitation Facilities, Critical Access Hospitals, End-Stage Renal Disease Facilities, Federally Qualified Health Centers, and other facilities specifically listed on the application. This Medicare application is available for download from

Form CMS 855B is entitled Medicare Enrollment Application - Clinics/Group Practices and Certain Other Suppliers. It applies to Ambulance Service Suppliers, Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Clinic/Group Practices, Independent Clinical Laboratories, and other facilities specifically listed on the application. It is available for download from

The Beginning of the Medicare Paper Trail

There are many more Medicare application forms available than can be discussed or even listed here. Whether you are a doctor or a patient, the enrollment process begins with the Medicare application.

Medicare Application - Do Both You And Your Provider Have To Apply?


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Beginners Tips In Making An Application Letter

Why do you need to write an application letter in applying for a job? Why are the factors to be considered in writing an application letter?

application study bible

These are only few questions to consider before writing your own application letter. Application letter has a big factor for an applicant to be hired in a particular job. This is because of the brief information stated showing that you are capable enough to handle duties and responsibilities.


Since most of the companies nowadays have their own websites, they are posting some of the available career to be filled up using their websites. Every candidate can now have the chance to submit their application letters and credentials online. Thanks to the advance technology, you don't have to go out and wait for the personnel officer just to submit an application or cover letter.

In writing your own application letter, you have to state, first and foremost, who you are and where you from, to be followed by your educational attainment and the year you graduated from that course. You can also add one seminar/workshop/training attended especially if it is related to the position you are applying.

You should also state in you letter where did you get such information that the company is looking for additional employee, and that you are qualified for the position. It is very important that you state a related incident during your college days or past activities emphasizing your commitment on the task assigned to you. In this regard, the employer will visualize that you are responsible enough for the job.

Application letter is very crucial because in here lies if you will be hired or not. Therefore, it is advisable that you should read and reread it many times to make sure everything is in the right place. You can also ask some of your friend for pieces of advice or confirmation that your application letter is suited for you and the job you are applying.

Since this application letter will be sent through the internet, do not forget to include and mention your resumé, that it is included for their evaluation and that you are always ready to be called up any time convenient to them. Of course, you have to be ready if the employer or the personnel officer will call you for an interview.

If you want have better information about making an application letter, you are just a click away from the internet. Make time to surf the net. There are websites offering free techniques in creating a reliable application letter. You might happen to look an exact application letter suited for your needs.

Beginners Tips In Making An Application Letter


Completing Online Application Forms

This is my briefest of brief guides on completing online application forms. Just ask yourself seven basic, easy questions:

1) Can you view or download the whole form before you start?


Not all forms allow you to, but it can be a big help when planning out your answers.

2) Does the form start with a few simple looking questions?

Beware of false friends. A wrong answer here may eliminate your application and block you from seeing the rest of the form.

3) Can you paste text into the form pages?

If the form allows this, you can prepare material and check it offline before copying it onto the form.

4) Is there an autosave facility?

Some forms do not save your work for you. If you haven't saved it yourself, you may have to retype everything after logging out or if the system crashes. Very annoying!

5) Is there a selection test built into the form?

This is increasingly common with online forms. Ideally, you should have an idea of the kind of test and how to approach it before you begin. 

6) Is there a time limit?

Not very common, but some organizations see beating the time limit as part of the selection process.

7) Is there a space limit for the 'Supporting Comments' or similar section?

This is far more common. A page on your wordprocessor may not fit into one page on the form. There may be word limits, or even limits to the number of characters (sometimes including spaces!) you can use.

Last of all remember that all the usual rules for completing paper application forms still apply. Research the job just as thoroughly and don't resort to email or txtspeak. You can find online applications discussed more thoroughly on the University of Kent careers website and try out a (rather rough and ready) sample online form at

Completing Online Application Forms


Dating Application

Has anyone else ever really wished that they could just hand out dating applications? Wouldn't that make things so much easier?

application development for dummies

I'm one hundred percent serious.


These are questions I would ask:

-Do you have any illegitimate children? (This will not disqualify you as a potential mate- though, not knowing your children's name, ages, or when the child support payment is due- is grounds for immediate dismissal.)

-Do you have any Baby Mama Drama? Please Explain.

-Do you have any borderline insane ex-girlfriends that will continue to pop up and cause drama of catastrophic proportions throughout our relationship?

-What about general skeletons in your emotional closet that are just waiting for the perfect time to show themselves?

-Are you dragging invisible baggage behind you that will threaten to smother me at my most venerable.

-Do you know the difference between there, their, and they're?

-Does your phone automatically stop working as soon as you cross state lines? Especially when you cross said lines with your male friends.

-Are you allergic to expressing any and all emotion? Is it cool if I have emotions?

-Are you of the special breed of drunk that believes that if you don't remember it, it didn't happen?

-Are you planning on ceasing all grooming and efforts towards your appearance the second we are in a relationship? This includes, but is not limited to: gaining excess amounts of weight, infrequent bathing, and refusing to wash clothing unless they emit noxious odor.

-Have you ever been fired for drinking on the job? Um, please just say no.

-Have you ever been incarcerated. If so, how many times and for what duration? This unfortunately, on my part, is also not necessarily grounds for dismissal.

-Do you habitually pick fights with buffer/large groups of men?

-Do you have to wake up before 9:00? If so, are you capable of being super-duper-freaking quiet so that I do not awake and are forced to inflict harm upon you?

-Do you think my friends are cute and angelic? Do you still think my friends are adorable when they are in large groups and drinking? You are required to like them and be a sweetheart to them at all times or suffer the consequences. And they will be dire. Is that okay?

-This also applies for my family. Hope ya don't mind.

-My ears are very sensitive and I surely cannot listen to music that is not exceptionally enjoyable for me. Will that be a problem?

This is exactly why I am single. For real.

Dating Application


Details of the GM MasterCard Application

The GM MasterCard is intended for those cardholders who intend to purchase or lease a GM vehicle in the near future. Through the rewards program that is offered with this card, cardholders earn a 5% rebate that is applied toward the purchase or lease of an eligible new GM car, truck, or Sport Utility Vehicle not including Saturn, Saab, or Hummer.

application server

Although the rebates have no annual limit, they expire within seven years. It is important to remember, though, that this card offers one of the highest rebates among card issuers who offer auto reward cards. The card offers an introductory rate of 0% for twelve months for both purchases and balance transfers. After the introductory period, the interest rate will vary based on the cardholder's credit history. The rate charged with will 10.99%, 15.77%, or 17.99%. The minimum rate for cash advances is 20.99%.


The card has no annual fee, but there is a cash advance fee of 3% with a minimum of , and a balance transfer fee of 3% with a minimum of and maximum of . This fee, however, does not apply to balance transfers during the introductory period.

The GM MasterCard will provide the most benefits to those cardholders who plan to pay their account in full after the introductory rate expires in order to avoid paying finance charges and who plan to purchase or lease a GM vehicle in the near future and therefore plan to take advantage of the rebate program. Though the rate may be a little higher, especially for those with borderline credit, the rebates offered toward the purchase or lease of a new vehicle tend to offset that, at least for those who plan to use the rebates before they expire.

Some of the other benefits cardholders can expect to derive from the use of this card include the following:

o Online access to account information

o Travel accident insurance

o Reporting of lost and stolen cards

o Emergency cash and card replacement

o Ability to download account information into Quicken or Microsoft Money programs

Details of the GM MasterCard Application


How to Design an Application for an Online Think Tank

As the coordinator for the Online Think Tank, I get a tremendous number of emails asking me how to set up a Think Tank from folks in various industries. One of the first things you have to do is create an application form to weed out the non-viable candidates. Recently, we had to modify The Online Think Tank Application Form and it took several hours to come up with the relevant questions to ask to insure we could rate the various candidates correctly to match our current team. Yes, designing an application form is not so difficult, especially the information that we of course are all use to such as Name, Age (+ or - approximation), Home address, City/State/Zip, Phone E-mail, Secondary address (if you have one) and list all your websites. This is the easy part and now comes the more difficult part for the application Such as: IQ Level (state if estimated or actual test) ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Areas of Expertise (minimum of 3) Industry Experience (number of years in each and locations)Education, Degrees, Studies, Location List any research you have participated in and at what level Areas of Interest, on-going personal studies (list all)

These are important so a Think Tank can know where the membership strengths are. Next, we asked a serious of question gauging performance levels and expectations that we can consider relevant. Also some questions to help us understand the individual on a personal basis such as:


Tell why you would like to join The Online Think Tank What is the maximum time commitment you have available for thinking? Please list any time constraint issues or ability to travel issues What are you personal goals?

Another issue important to us, although not so important to other think tanks are questions such as: "Describe any social activities, community service, and non-profits you have been associated with and what you achieved there (send additional pages if you need more room)." Next we allow the Think Tank participant to judge themselves and evaluate their own abilities, temperament and mindset:

How would you describe your psychological profile? What personality issues should we be aware of that are unique to you? What would you like to learn from the Think Tank?

As we get into Phase II, we wish to know the dedication level of the individual and find out exactly how serious they are about joining a Think Tank and so we ask some more serious questions such as:

"What Changes would you like to see in your local city, country, state, province and the world - City or Town - State, Region or Province Nation or Country World, Planet, Space Colony, Etc ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­." and "What are your best attributes that will help insure team success in accomplishing Think Tank goals that are set by yourself and members of your group." And lastly on Phase II we ask for specifics of their past: "What accomplishments, awards and achievement can tell us about that would indicate you are capable?" Now then any smart application creators will add additional questions in order to help the team and understand the individual better. Therefore we added several more questions of interest:

How did you hear about The Online Think Tank? What are your expectations of The Online Think Tank? Are you willing or able to set up an Online Think Tank locally or in a specific field of endeavor or become a Team Project Manager (please list and describe)? Lastly we have added some additional questions: "In the spirit of full-disclosure, please tell us anything else that you feel we should know. The good, bad and ugly, so that we know upfront" and "Please tell us why we should choose you for our Online Think Tank and tell us of your commitment level and examples of perseverance in your life" and "Please list anything else we should consider in this application."

Well that was our application process and what we came up with; surely, every Think Tank will be different and at the bottom of any form should be a serious notation by the signature: "You hereby certify that this is the whole truth, and do so under the penalty of perjury." We certainly hope that this article has assisted you in preparing your Think Tank application. Sincerely, Lance.

How to Design an Application for an Online Think Tank


How to Fix Application Failed to Initialize Properly 0xc0000005 Windows 7

Windows Vista and windows 7 can be very buggy sometimes. This is especially the case when you try to run applications that are badly programmed. When windows encounter's any kind of difficulty, it can return generic errors like: "application failed to initialize properly 0xc0000005".


Possible Cause of This Error


Errors can have multiple causes in windows. Windows components and software for windows share the same dependencies. When one of those dependencies gets corrupted, multiple applications might be affected. Possible causes of the "application failed to initialize properly 0xc0000005"-error might be: - Corruption of the.NET Framework or one of its components - Corruption of Memory - Malware or spyware (not very likely to cause this error, but still possible) - Other dependencies

This error is hard to fix manually. A registry cleaner or system optimizer packages is recommended to use to avoid corrupting other parts of you system unintentionally.

Potentional Fixes for the "application failed to initialize properly 0xc0000005"-error on windows 7

The most likely cause is corruption of the.NET framework or faulty ram memory.

If the.NET Framework is the cause follow these steps:The first step is to make sure that you cleanup all of your temporary files, cookies, log files, etc. The next step is to uninstall the.NET framework. You can do this via the control panel. Go to software and select the.NET framework version to uninstall. Some registry keys will still remain after running the uninstaller. It is important to run a registry cleaner to remove those entries too. After that, you can install the latest version of the.NET framework.

If the problem still remains, you might need to defrag you memory (not your hard disk) and see if the problem still persists.

How to Fix Application Failed to Initialize Properly 0xc0000005 Windows 7


Mobile Apps - Why Is Android Mobile Application Development Becoming Very Popular

The world of mobile applications has just started evolving and we are already witnessing stiff competition, especially between Google which is the leader of the group that has launched Android) and Apple Inc, which is the manufacturer of iPhone, iPad and iPod. Apple got the advantage of launching its smart phone earlier than Google, but on the other hand Google is said to be the undisputed leader among the search engines.

application server with raid-5 storage

The Android applications can add a number of features to your mobile phone and convert it to a smart phone. Some of the factors that prompt the popularity of the Android applications are as follows.


•The Software development kit (SDK) for Android application development is designed and made available through Google. There is a wide variety of tools in the SDK. The SDK includes the operating systems, middleware and APIs that are needed to start developing the Android application.

•Android is an open source platform so the costs of designing the Android app are drastically reduced. Moreover if you are stuck anywhere when designing the application, there is a big community of Android followers to resolve your issue.

•There are many core applications inside the SDK. This makes the task of the Android app developer quite easy. The SDK includes a handset emulator, tools for debugging, several utility functions, several business functions and other features too. This facilitates the application developer with a wide array of alternatives. It is the SDK that provides the platform for developing an application that offers better experience for the end-user.

•The SDK is so advanced that the application developer has greater control over the features to be incorporated into the final Android application.

•The open source platform allows the application developer to easily distribute the completed application. Once completed, the finished application is sure to be very user friendly.

•When developing the Android mobile application, the designer is facilitated with P2P communication with the assistance of Google Talk. The designer can store the data with the help of SQLite.

•The designer with the help of Android app development kit can publish an application and export it to be used by others too.

•The Android app can be integrated with GPS, touch screen and video camera.

•The SDK is equipped with quite a big library with books about GPS, Touch screen, and video camera.

•The SDK enjoys the support of WiFi support as well as the Bluetooth and has a library of a number of 2D and 3D supporters.

•With the Android SDK you can develop customized Android apps for sale or free distribution to particular clients or the public in general.

•The Android application development facilitates the application developer, the business and the final user too.

Copyright © 2011

Mobile Apps - Why Is Android Mobile Application Development Becoming Very Popular


Blush Application

Blush application is considered as main part of makeup because in all the parts of makeup, blush makeup gives you a natural look and all the appearance which you get from the blush makeup produces an impression in your look. Therefore the correct matching of blush makeup according to your skin color is the main factor to make you beautiful. Some tips can help you to apply the blush makeup if you follow them.

application server

1. Shimmer can give you an attractive look if you apply it carefully on the bones of your cheeks near your eyes. It produces a natural shine and gives a beautiful complexion to your face.
2. Choose the absolutely correct color for blushing because all your makeup and natural look depends upon the correct color. Apply it slightly and make it a little dark to get a natural look.
3. The brushes which you use to apply the blush makeup should be neat and clean because the dirty brush can cause a viral or bacterial infection. Before changing the color of blush makeup, firstly wash your brush.
4. If you are applying the liquid blush then rub it slightly on your skin otherwise your skin will turn into red appearance and you can lose all the impression.
5. Mix a little quantity of cream, lotion or gel into your blush makeup if you are applying the powder form blush and you have the dry skin. It will increase the capacity of binding the blush layer on your skin.
6. You can also use the cream blush on your lips if you have dark color lips because in this way your face will become more natural.
7. Always care one thing when you apply the blush that make your ears matching with the face color and see your chin that don't apply the blush on the chin if you have a light color neck as compared with the face.
8. Gel and liquid blush are useful for dry skin because they are absorbed in the dry skin as compared to the powder blush for a long time. If you apply liquid forms then wash your face before sleeping.
9. Your blush makeup should be dark on upper side of your face near the eyes as compared to the lower side.
10. Look your face into the mirror and try to make it as wider as you can make using the correct techniques of applying the blush makeup because as it will look wider and broader as you will get a natural attractive complexion.
11. Apply blush on your neck if there is a big difference in the color of face and neck. Don't try to make both colors same. There should be a very little difference between both colors because it is the identity of natural look.
12. Apply the brush in round shape on your face when you apply the blush makeup because it will give you perfect and impressive appearance but if you are applying the powder blush then apply it only in one direction.


In the end see your face in mirror and point out if there is a mistake and correct it otherwise you are ready for attending the party.

Blush Application


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

What Are Some Examples of Web 2.0 Applications?

Proponents of Web 2.0 are very clear that this concept is not something that will come to pass in the future, but is a phenomenon that is already among us. To that end, supporters of the concept of Web 2.0 readily point to online sites and applications that already employ factors that are understood to define this second generation of web use. Here are some commonly cited examples of Web 2.0 applications for you to consider.

At the lower rungs of these types of applications rest those functions that can function in an offline environment, but provide added features when operated in an online environment. One common example of this type of second-generation application are a number of the electronic games we all enjoy. While it is possible to purchase the games on disk and play them without an Internet connection, many also come with the option to go online and enjoy additional features with the games if desired.


Another example of these basic types of applications would be retail sites that function in both a virtual and a physical mode. Many popular retail chains continue to build more physical locations, but at the same time have opted to allow users the chance to place orders in an online environment. In some instances, there is even the option of either having the order sent through the mail or filled and held at the closest physical location. In other words, you can place the order online, have it sent to your local store, and then pick it up in a day or two, without the need to go through the hassle of making a prolonged shopping expedition.

A little higher in the food chain of Web 2.0 applications are those types of programs that allow for quick and easy access to a great deal of data. The online encyclopedias and glossaries that are equipped with search capabilities are an excellent example of this type of thing. Instead of having to rely on endless wading through electronic documents or going with an offline resource, these newer innovations help to make locating data much easier.

A third example of Web 2.0 applications have to do with quick and easy online commerce. Auction sites and stores that are set up specifically for online use fall into this category. These types of sites are accessible around the clock, function without using a great deal of resources on the user end, and in general expand shopping and buying opportunities significantly. Perhaps of all the type of applications that are classified as Web 2.0, these are among the most popular of all.

What Are Some Examples of Web 2.0 Applications?


Joint Application Credit Card - What You Need To Know

A joint application credit card is simply a credit card that allows two people to use it. It typically works as follows: An individual completes a credit card application and then requests an additional card. The other card or cards will have that second persons name on it, but will have the same account number assigned to it. Probably the most common example of this is a husband and wife.

application study bible

In many cases married people have joint financial accounts for such things as savings, checking and investment portfolios. It greatly simplifies the management of finances. Another common reason for filling out a joint application credit card is a parent wanting to assist their child in establishing credit.


In a way it is similar to them cosigning an auto loan. This is often done when the child goes away to college. The advantage here is that the parent can keep an eye on all the activity generated by the student. Now here are some important points that you must understand before applying for a joint credit card.

The debt acquired by one of the cardholders is also the responsibility of the other cardholder. In other words, if your husband runs up a 00 debt on the card and you should happen to become separated, simply stating that it is his debt and you are not liable for it isn't going to relieve you of that debt.

As long as your name is still on the card, you will be held responsible for any and all debts accrued. The way to stop this is to pay off the debt in full and cancel the card so there can be no further purchases made with it. Canceling a joint credit card can be done by a single party, as long as the account is free of outstanding debt.

The information I have given here is only a cursory look at the joint application credit card. Be sure to read the terms of service and conditions of the credit card issuer carefully and do not hesitate to directly contact the credit card company with any specific questions that you may have.

Joint Application Credit Card - What You Need To Know


Monday, October 17, 2011

Bridal Makeup Tips For Flawless Wedding Makeup Application (Part 3 - Blush, Lipstick & Bronzer)

Every bride absolutely needs to get her makeup done right on her wedding day. No one can turn back the clock once the day is over. We've detailed many essential facts on the importance of wearing foundation (Part 1) and the steps involved in eye makeup application (Part 2). Now, we complete the entire bridal makeup look with many blush, lipstick and bronzer application tips and techniques.

application tape



Blush is possibly one of the most overlooked beauty products, however, it is probably one of the most important. It makes brides look healthier and more alive. Powder blush is the most popular type of blush, and the easiest to apply on humid days.

If you choose to wear a powder blush, layer the color on slightly heavier than usual and blend carefully. Focus on the apples of the cheeks for a light rosy hue.

When you apply blush to your cheeks, make sure your makeup brush is not damp. If it is not completely dry, you can get a streaky application.

Alternatively, every blushing bride can opt to wear a cream or stain blush for all day coverage. Cheek stains are a fabulous alternative to traditional powder blush. Just a dab will give you that rosy wedding glow. The cosmetic line, Tarte has a great cheek stain in a few great colors that you might want to try. Dab on a nickel sized dot on apples of cheeks and swirl in circular motions, just as you would regular powder blush. Applying these stains ensures that your blush color lasts all day.


For lip color to last and to look flattering, there are a few options:

- find a lipstick that features a higher color pigmentation

- avoid pale colors as your lips will fade into your dress

- on the contrary, dark colors will completely offset your entire look

- use a lip tint and top off with a gloss

- use a waterproof lip pencil (in a matching color) over the entire lips and then, apply a semi-moist lipstick or gloss

- apply a little foundation to the lips before lipstick and lip liner application to create more staying-power

- for black and white photos, avoid dark lipsticks as they will look MORE dark in these pictures


Now that all of your makeup is on, finish off your wedding day look by using a bronzer. This will give you the most radiant & sun-kissed glow. In my opinion, the look of a bronzer on the face is second to none. It adds warmth to your face. Its application truly makes a difference.

When selecting a bronzer, choose a shade that's no more than two shades darker than your skin.

Apply where the sun would normally warm the face, such as on tops of cheekbones, temples, bridge of nose and tip of chin. Avoid applying bronzer all over the face. To ensure proper application, be sure to use a large makeup brush with longer bristles.

Bridal Makeup Tips For Flawless Wedding Makeup Application (Part 3 - Blush, Lipstick & Bronzer)


Mobile Application Development Tools For Non-Coders

Android mobile application development for non-coders does not have to be a complicated and technical activity. Today there are various platforms available that make the task possible for people that do not have an extensive background in programming.

application server

Cell phones have come a long way since they first became a mass consumer item barely a decade ago. With the advent of smart phones, they have replaced the PC as a way to have access to a range of tools and software.


There are new development framework programs that can be downloaded from the net to allow almost anyone create the type of applications that would be desirable to consumers. Such software allow users to build interesting apps by dragging and dropping various blocks of code to custom make a service that would be of interest to those of us that have android phones. It is through such developer tools that thousands of now widely used apps have been designed.

Android phones have now taken on a commanding share of the market. The open source system is one that is extremely desirable to both users and developers. With various design vehicles now available, transforming an engaging idea into reality has never been so easy.

Whether you want to create a cell phone application that relates to communication, entertainment, news, finance, or any other category, rest assured that you will be able to put together the code with simplicity and in a relatively brief amount of time.

Allowing android users to become participants in mobile application development as opposed to consumers is an activity which is receiving a lot of attention. The architecture used in android powered devices is perfect for non coders. If you are familiar with basic drag and drop applications that are common on PCs, you can easily design and launch an app that would be used and loved by the masses.

Mobile Application Development Tools For Non-Coders


The Structure of Web Application Design Process

Many web designers are muddled through their way to successful web application design. Like any other creative process, this also should be handled with a defined and structured approach; otherwise, things can easily go wrong anywhere between the start and the finish.

application squeegee

The process of designing a website or a web application can be divided into the following six phases:


Project defining Site structuring Visual designing Site development Testing Launch

Here is some detail of each phase:

Project Defining: This is the beginning of the process where the client should be interviewed for the exact project requirement and scope defining. The designer needs to be highly interactive with the client during this phase as it is extremely important that any project outlining done here is with mutual understanding. This involves understanding the business' persona, establishing initial technical specifications, creating project timeline, and doing initial maintenance planning.

Site Structuring: This phase involves designing of the site architecture, which includes creation of a content/functionality outline, site diagram, diagrams for page descriptions, and wireframes.

Visual Designing: Once the site structure is confirmed, the designer should start working on the design patterns for the layout. After creating drafts of the possible versions, he can take the feedback or suggestions of the client on refining and then make the final selection.

Site Development: This is a crucial phase where the initial technical specifications should be confirmed or refined, the project timeline should be reviewed and adjusted if needed, and based on this, application building and integration should be undertaken.

Testing: Before declaring the completion of web application process, the application should undergo a quality assurance testing. By prioritizing the issues, a final site refining can be done.

Launch: Obtaining a complete guide on the application designing/development style can help later on to solve any issues. The application is finally launched and a maintenance plan is implemented.

The Structure of Web Application Design Process


Sunday, October 16, 2011

What Should Your Executable Strategic Plan Cost in Terms of Money, Time and Results?

Sustainable business success originates from an executable strategic plan. However, creating a strategic plan does have a price tag. The underlying business strategy is to realize a positive return on investment (ROI) by quickly achieving specific and aligned organizational goals.

Business owners to executives have a plethora of resources from which to select the type of strategic plan along with the numerous business coaches, business consultants or national training organizations who can help them to create strategic plans. Yet, most of the outside resources fail to deliver a quick positive return on investment.


The creation of a strategic plan has 3 costs: money, time and results. When analyzing the cost of a strategic plan, each of these costs should be reviewed and compared.

Money A recent review of a national seminar offering strategic planning 3 day to 2-day workshops indicated a cost ranging between ,000 and ,500. These dollar costs do not include travel, lodging along with salaries. When compared to business coaches or consultants offering strategic planning on site or off site with fees ranging from ,000 to ,000 and up, the national seminars appear to be the best deal, but are they? Research suggests that a one time exposure to a learning event. If there are not additional opportunities for performance that being the application of learning, then the money spent whether ,500 to ,000 is moot. This is why most traditional training offered through a 2 or 3 day event fails to deliver a positive return on investment. Time How much time does it take to create an executable strategic plan? From my experience has a business coach, this ranges from 20 to 30 hours to create the plan and then another 10 to 20 hours to monitor the plan so that the business goals are achieved. Two day to three day traditional training seminars or retreats fall short of the basic time necessary to develop a solid strategic plan. Also, these off site locations do not allow the participants time to do complete the necessary research or answer specific questions necessary to operationalize the strategic plan. Results What results are you getting from the traditional approach to strategic planning? First, the origins of the word strategy mean as a general to deceive the enemy. In today's world, that means to out think and simultaneously out perform the competition. From the initial meeting, a good strategic planning process will begin to deliver immediate results. Additionally every strategic plan should contain a strategic action plan that is everyone works from on a daily basis. In this way the results are almost continuous. When a strategic plan is created off site in a few days, the likelihood of immediate results has been greatly diminished because of this learning structure. By crunching some numbers, we can immediately see the advantage for a longer planning cycle A 3 days event probably means 6 hours per day planning or a total of 18 hours at an investment of ,000. Adding in 3 nights of lodging, meals and miscellaneous experiences results in at least another 0. The hourly rate for this seminar per participant is at least 5.00. And what results or deliverables do you have from such an investment? Comparing a 10-week (3 hours per week) on site with 6 monthly follow-ups suggests at least 39 hours. Since there are no travel costs, the hourly rate based upon a ,000 fee is 8.45. And the results are a tangible, active, dynamic and interactive strategic plan that is being executed every week ensuring measurable outcomes.

Given that most national seminars require payment up front and do not offer a money back guarantee, this becomes a win win for them and a potential lose lose for your firm. If you charge the costs, then your hourly rate has just increased not to mention the charges for any other costs. However, if you can locate a strategic business coach who provides a money back guarantee in some format and will work with you by offering non-traditional forms of payment, then what makes more sense?

If you are deciding to seek some help in the creation of you strategic plan, congratulations. Just make sure that you have analyzed ALL the costs and have a better idea of your potential ROI.

What Should Your Executable Strategic Plan Cost in Terms of Money, Time and Results?


Details Of The Sony Visa Card Application

The Sony Visa Card is the ideal type of credit card for those that have very good credit. If this is you, you will find several benefits to using this credit line. From affordable rates and the reward program, it can offer some of the choice choices for those that are interested.

application server

The Sony Visa Card offers ideal rates. They provide for a 0% introductory rate for the first 12 months that you have the account open on purchases as well as balance transfers made in that time. When this introductory phase is over, you can take advantage of a variable APR at 13.99% on purchases and 22.74 on cash advances. A down side is the two cycles average daily balance method of calculating finance charges as this can pose to be more expensive if the individual carries a balance from month to month. There is no annual fee. You minimum credit limit will be 00 and the maximum can be as high as 0,000 if you qualify.


The nice part of this credit card besides the rates is the rewards program. You will earn one point per one dollar spent. In addition, since it is a Sony Credit Card, you will earn three points per dollar spent on Sony products. Even better is that you will earn 8 points per dollar spent when you make purchases with the card at When you accumulate these points you can then redeem them for Sony CD's, DVD's, movie tickets, electronics and other Sony related products. The points will expire in five years and you are limited to 250,000 points. With your first purchase you will receive 1500 points.

Those that make purchases of Sony will appreciate this reward program. In addition, the low interest rates and the more than generous lines of credit allow for an ideal purchasing level. The credit card is offered to you by Chase. If you love Sony and want a unique reward program for your excellent credit, this is the credit card for your needs.

Details Of The Sony Visa Card Application


How to Fix Application Error 0xc0000142 the Easy Way

There are many errors that one can notice while using windows as the operating system. There are certain errors which are evident in more or less all the versions of Windows. The one thing that gets affected with these errors is the windows registry. The one error that might pop up from nowhere is the application error 0xc0000142. The application failed to initialize properly 0xc0000142 and therefore this error turns out to be problematic.

application tape

The error 0xc0000142 is one such error that might fail to start up a DLL in the right manner. The reasons for such a consequence may be because of the file being missing or corrupted. The other reason however could also be due to the addition that might be combined with a malicious code.


These errors as such are not big issues to deal with. There is a solution to all the problems and so is for these. Before you fix these errors, one thing that you should be sure of is the intensity of the damage. You need to find out whether the error has affected one fine or more than one file. Based on all this, you should know whether a scan is necessary or not. The scan however can done by means of a dos prompt. This particular scan as such can replace all the system files. Once the process is done, you can go in for rebooting the computer. Just in case the files are replaced and still show some problem, you would probably have to reinstall it. With all this not working, you still have another kind of cleaning to try on. For a fully fledged cleaning, you need to get a clear picture of the windows registry.

You can get your hands on the windows registry cleaning tool. By doing so, you can actually expect the tool to do its job in a perfect manner. It cleans all the files and leaves no traces of the application error 0xc0000142. The overall performance of the computer is also looked into.

How to Fix Application Error 0xc0000142 the Easy Way


Saturday, October 15, 2011

Branson Vacation - Travel Tips To The Best Kept Secret In The Midwest

I consider myself to be a professional Branson traveler. I might as well pay taxes in the town since I am there so much. As a child, my family traveled to this exciting destination almost every year. I did go on a Branson fast for a few years during college, but for the last seven years I have indulged in a Branson Buffet.

From memory, I can recite the names of almost every show in town. I can direct you to any theatre, regardless of its' location. And you had better believe I have a strong opinion on every show and attraction in town. Yes, I am a 28-year old Branson fanatic.


Basic Facts

If you have never traveled to Branson you might be asking yourself what it is that makes Branson, Missouri so special. It is in the middle of nowhere and yet it is one of the most popular vacation destinations in the country.

Actually Branson is special for many reasons. While Branson may seem to be in the middle of nowhere, it is actually in the middle of everywhere. Branson is one of America's most popular driving destinations. Since it is in almost the geographic center of the United States it is a convenient location for most of the country. Though there are a few people who fly into the Springfield/Branson Regional Airport, most of the millions of visitors will drive to town.

That actually sets up one of the most frustrating situations in Branson. Traffic can be a nightmare. Branson was not designed for major traffic. The town had a major growth spurt in the 1980's and literally outgrew its road system. At least 75% of the tourist sites are directly connected to HWY 76. This is the major artery that runs, or should I say crawls, through town. The city has tried to alleviate some of the traffic through well-marked alternative routes. Most of the traffic still uses 76 exclusively. If it is your first time in Branson, I would encourage you to drive the "strip" (HWY 76) a couple times to generally learn the area, then get a Free map from any brochure display and learn the alternate routes. You will save time and it may be the only way to get to a show on time.

It is almost impossible to believe until you have experienced it, but the traffic congestion in Branson starting in the mid-afternoon is worse than rush hour in any city in the country. Movement is measured in inches rather than feet.

To give you a good idea, I would like to share one experience I had in July of 2004. My wife and I were staying in Old Downtown Branson, which is on the far east end of HWY 76, near the intersection of HWY 65 and HWY 76. We had plans to see Spirit of the Dance at the Branson Variety Theatre. The BV Theatre is right in the heart of the strip, but was less than 4 miles from our hotel. The show started at 8:00 p.m. We decided to leave at 5:00 p.m. so we would have time to grab dinner along the way and still get to the show on time. At 7:15 p.m. we had not eaten dinner and we were still at least a mile from the theatre. Traffic was not moving. To make a very long story short, at 8:05 p.m. we finally pulled into the theatre parking lot and entered the show after it had already started. We had to eat after the show, no time before.

The next evening we saw Cirque at the Remington Theatre, which is completely across town. We still left at 5:00 p.m. for this 8:00 p.m. show, but this time we used the alternate routes and arrived at the theatre well before 6:00 p.m. We had plenty time to walk around to the neighboring shops and have dinner before the show.

Tip #1: Don't waste valuable vacation time - Use the alternate routes!

Don't let the traffic keep you away from Branson though. Honestly, it is just part of the fun. There are still plenty reasons to come to Branson.

The Ozark Hills and Mountains are another reason to visit Branson. No, you will not see the height and grandeur of the Rockies, but you are still surrounded by beautiful scenery. The Ozarks is pride of its country charm and slower pace. You can come to Branson expecting the shows and attractions and end up enjoying the nature trails of Mark Twain National Forest or playing in the waters of one of the two pristine lakes that surround the city. The Ozarks are a nature lover's dream.

Tip #2: Take time to enjoy the Ozarks - they are the FREE attraction!

There is honestly something for everyone in Branson. Lots of cities will say that, but Branson can back up that claim. The adults and seniors are certain to find several shows they will like. With over 100 shows to select from there will be one for each person in the group. But there are many of high-energy music, magic and comedy shows in town that keep the kids and teens hooked. There are also several amusement parks and water parks including Silver Dollar City and White Water. I will get more into the actual attractions in the next part of the column, so look for more information in the other parts of the column.

Branson Shows, Theatre & Tickets

Lets take a look at what made Branson famous--shows and theatres
You will arrive in Branson to an overload of media. There are more than 50 different theatres in Branson. Most theatres have several different shows performing throughout the day. The biggest entertainers will perform the 8:00 p.m. shows, but that does not mean that the morning and afternoon shows are second rate. They are just as good in most cases. Whether you are looking for a headliner or not, there are more than 100 shows to keep you busy while in town.
The whole Branson craze started with just a couple shows. The Presley's Country Jubilee and the Baldknobbers Jamboree. Both of these country variety and comedy shows are still going strong today, 40-50 years later. They are among the most popular shows in town for good reason. They put on a quality show every night and their fans return year after year.

If you enjoy country and gospel music served along side hilarious comedy, then you will find your fill in Branson. Beside the two shows already mentioned there are many more of these genres all over town. Some of the other popular ones include Pierce Arrow, Grand Jubilee, and the Braschlers.

Another large category of shows in town can be grouped as family shows. That is not to say they are designed for the whole family to enjoy, because that would describe almost every show in Branson. By family show, I mean most of the cast and sometimes the crew comes from the same family. The Duttons, Haygoods, Lowes, Hughes, and the Brett Family, just to mention a few. All these families blend their amazing harmonies to create some of the best and most touching shows in town.

The impersonators are yet another major group of shows in town. Toni Roi is one of the most noted Elvis impersonators in the world. He has his own show and he also occasionally performs with The Legends Live in Concert, who also has a popular show in town. You will also find a Hank Williams and Patsy Cline show. One that I personally highly recommend is a full comedy show called A Tribute to Red Skelton.

There are a few Broadway style shows that prove Branson has it all. You can see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Cirque, Spirit of the Dance and even off-Broadway shows like the touching and funny, Smoke On The Mountain.

Then Branson is also famous for a broad category of shows that are designed with your family in mind. These shows are designed to mesmerize the kids and astonish the adults. This group includes everything from comedians to magicians. Starting with magicians you will find several huge shows with large illusions at Grand Illusion, Darren Romeo and The Hamner Barber Variety Show. If magic is not your thing what about the Chinese Acrobats, Comedy Pet Theatre, Bounce the Basketball Show or even a live family game show called Hot Seat.

If you remember the 20's & 30's, 50's, 60's or 70's - really any decade, you will be able to take a trip down memory lane. You can spend the 50's At The Hop or get Stuck In The 70's. You might even choose to drive to Motown.

By this time you are probably getting hungry. We can't forget the dinner shows. Of course Dixie Stampede with it's horses and a stampede of buffalo is the biggest show in town, but you can also enjoy a ribeye steak while watching lumberjacks compete at the Tall Timber Lumberjack Show. If you would like to take a cruise on Table Rock Lake, the Prime Rib Dinner Show on the Showboat Branson Belle is unbeatable. You can also enjoy a delicious western BBQ meal at the Circle B Chuckwagon Dinner Show. If you like music while you eat, try the White House Theatre or catch Bob Anderson's Show. You will not leave hungry, and you get a show to boot.

Last but not least, the headliners. In the mid 1980's there were many well-known performers who moved to Branson and opened theatres. A few of them are still here and performing amazing shows. If you remember Andy Williams, Ray Stevens, Jim Stafford, Mickey Gilley, Mel Tillis, The Gatlin Brothers, Pam Tillis or Roy Clark you will love seeing them live in Branson. The Grand Palace brings in the hottest performers on tour today. It is not uncommon for Tim McGraw to be on stage one week and Jeff Foxworthy to be appearing the next week.

Branson has also created it's own headliners. The fiddle-playing Shoji Tabuchi is one of the most popular performers in Branson, and he, without a doubt, has the most ornate theatre bathrooms in Branson. Other performers like Moe Bandy, Doug Gabriel and Paul Harris have made a name for themselves in this tough town.

I did not even try to mention all the shows in Branson. As a matter of fact, I did not even begin to scratch the surface. The performers and venues change all the time, so some of the shows mentioned may be gone by the time this article is up.

I encourage you to use sites like Branson Critic and the Branson Lake Area Chamber of Commerce website to find the shows that your family will enjoy. Branson Critic has plenty reviews of area shows. Normal people like you write all the reviews. They saw the show and wrote a review. This is a great way to decide which shows to see.

Another great way to find a good show while in town is to ask the front desk clerk at your hotel or the waitress that served your lunch. Locals know which shows are a must-see and which show to avoid. You might even strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to you at a show. Find out what they have seen and what they thought. You might even make a friend.

Tip #3: Brochures do not tell the whole story - ask a locals for the truth about which shows are a must-see.

This would be a good time to talk about ticket prices. Branson shows are not cheap. If you look very hard you will find a couple shows with an admission price under . There are a few more in the - range, but most show tickets are at least per adult ticket. Dinner shows are even more.

You will find coupons in free magazines all over town. With these you are able to save a couple dollars per ticket. Check the brochure racks for the coupons.

You might even have a timeshare company offer you free tickets. That is an option worth considering, but I will discuss in a latter article

There is still one more way to save on tickets. You can check on eBay for Branson show tickets. I have bought them there before. I paid less than half price. This way takes a little more effort, but can save you lots of money.

I hope that some of these basic tips on traveling to Branson Will benefit you and your family.

Branson Vacation - Travel Tips To The Best Kept Secret In The Midwest


Citizenship Application Tips

The first step you are going to take to become an American citizen is filing the US citizenship application.

Use the Correct Form


The form that you need to file to become citizen is Form N 400. This form can be found at a variety of places including the USCIS website. Read the guide that comes with the form to make sure you are filling it out correctly.

Take the Test

There is an eligibility test, either online or in the guide that comes with the form. Take the test to make sure you meet the eligibility requirements to become a US citizen.


It is very important that prior to starting the application you make sure you have all the required documents. You will need documents that prove you are eligible. These documents include:

* Employment information
* Permanent resident or Alien Registration Card
* Social Security card
* Birth certificate
* Passport

It is best to have these items with you before filling out the application so that you are focused while you answer the questions instead of worrying about where those items are.

Filing the Form

It is important that you understand an incorrect answer on your application will delay your naturalization process. Form N 400 comes with a set of instructions. Read those instructions carefully and follow them. Should you have a question of not understand something call the USCIS or look online into various immigration forums for guidance.

Tell the truth. Do Not give a false answer regardless of how "innocent" it may seem. Should you give an inaccurate answer and the USCIS find out your application will be rejected and you will be removed from the United States. If you come to a question that you do not know the answer to it is best that you just leave the question blank.

Don't rush through your answers. Take your time; there isn't a fixed time that you have to complete the application once you start it. Once you have completed the form review it. Check to see if you have made an error anywhere and if so, correct it. Should you find multiple errors, print out a new form and start all over.


Keep multiple copies of all your documents, including your application. Send your application via certified mail and get a return receipt. The USCIS is famous for losing paperwork, so it is best that you have multiple copies and proof of your filing.


File for citizenship as soon as you are eligible. The fees for immigration and citizenship are always going up. The average fee for filing for each process costing more than 00 not including the cost of fingerprinting and paperwork it is a good idea to file as soon as you eligible.

Filing for citizenship is an important step. The process is long, detailed, filled with immigration and needs to be done correctly. It is important that you take your time. If you need further information you can always visit the USCIS online.

Citizenship Application Tips


Sacred Love - The Rituals of Love

Surrender to love. Today, and every day, fall in love, again, and again and again. Give more than is expected of you. Expect no reward. The beauty of love will be half won when you learn the secret of putting out more than is expected in all that you do. Make yourself so valuable to your beloved that eventually you will become indispensable. Find their dream and help them live it. Exercise your privilege to support their journey, go the extra mile, and enjoy all the rewards you receive. You deserve them!



Do something special for someone out of love

Laugh even if you have to invent it

Cry one tear of gratitude

Accept a gift

Live a dream

Use Magic


Stay still for just 5 minutes on your own

Breath a breath of life giving air

Clear your mind for 30 seconds

Look up

Say thank you

Give somebody a special treat

Be Gentle

Step back from it all for just one long breath.


To be in love, and to stay in love, is to surrender to another person. Then we open to direct communication. There is no trust required if the ego is soft. To be in a relationship, and celebrate the spontaneity of falling in love, we cannot hide. We cannot be embarrassed about our strange collection of qualities. We present everything as it is. And in return we must welcome our lover, without ego, and accept their strange collection of qualities too. Surrender means working together with love. You cannot take the moral high ground and still hold love sacred. You cannot surrender to love and then say, "IF".

Surrender means, "Here I am, and here you are". There is no need to make you better so that "I can love you in the future". There is no "if" in love.

To surrender means you'll need to get used to marching directly into disappointment, work with disappointment, go into it, and make it an acceptable and important part of your way of life. Your expectations are not true, they are the barrier to the journey of love, so you must stop hoping to achieve them in your relationship, not want to achieve them, but to dismantle them.

Disappointment is a good sign of loving intelligence, because it reveals an honesty between your expectations and your love. It cannot be compared to anything else; it is so sharp, precise, obvious and direct. If we can open, surrender to love, then we suddenly begin to see that our expectations are not going to be met, no matter how much we try. Every time we change somebody, move them shift them, love dies. Wanting things to be different than they are is the mark of the ego. This is not love, this is the ego. They are opposites. So it takes courage to say, "You didn't meet my expectations, and that revealed how much I needed to grow." This is sacred love. A moving soft ego, always looking to adapt.

To stay in Love means we come down into the dirty, ordinary, street scene of reality. That is where real devotion and love exists. When we love someone we must learn to trust ourselves, surrender to love. This does not involve preparing for a soft landing, being half in and half out, hedging your bets. Nobody ever succeeded by creating escape routes.

I raced a surf ski in the life saving carnivals in Australia. Sometimes the waves were 20 feet high, and to crash the ski was an amazingly dangerous thing. But it happened nearly every time, because so many of us were going down the waves thinking, "What happens if I crash?". One day, I was out in huge waves with an old guy, a veteran with the oldest wooden ski. As the biggest wave of the day rose behind us, twenty-five foot like a building, I watched this old guy, I saw the look on his face, and he was just like a child. He looked 15 years old, his smile could have lit a city, his hooting and hollering was so enthusiastic, he was having a ball. Instead of holding back, thinking "What happens if...", he just threw his whole heart and soul into that wave and had the time of his life. I just fell in love with his exuberance, and thought that anybody who puts so much into anything they do is going to attract a crowd. He said to me later, "One great thing about age, there's less to go that there was, you know if you die, you may as well die with a smile on your dial, having a ball, doing it all."

Love actually means being prepared to land on hard, ordinary ground; on the rocky, wild countryside of confrontation of your own issues. What you don't like in your lover is a mirror of your ego. Once we open ourselves, then we land on what is, it's disappointing, and this is the real beauty of love. People can reject your expectations, they cannot reject your love.

In true love, you have to allow your "self" to surrender. There is nothing to fear losing once you identify with the simplicity of surrender. The only thing that can be hurt is your ego, so if you can develop a soft ego, you will be free to hold that power of love anytime you choose. If your ego can flex, then there is no hurt. Instead of taking the ego and emotions so seriously, take love seriously. Love can shine through everything. The key to doing this is to surrender the moral high ground, and automatically you soften your ego, you.


Try taking time to sit quietly in nature daily and imagine how much you love your lover, or ex-lover, once you drop any expectation of them. Consider all the issues you see in them as a mirror of you. By finding the balance, see if you can love those issues in you. You must remain committed to continuously improving this skill of discernment between a love free of expectation, and a love filled with judgments and projection. The real power you have in life, is to drop your ego driven judgments of right and wrong. Just love. No forgiveness. Love like that day on the beach when I saw the moon. Let go, fall in love with all those who have been on your path. Feel it sitting behind all the facades, and know that it is always there. This is nature's healing.

We bring our devotion into everyday life through the art of ritual. Rituals are more than acts of anchoring, they become acts of devotion to something beyond the self.

Ritual is an act of respect for someone or something outside ourselves, a large or small act of giving without need or desire to receive. Ritual can be spontaneous, but the true value of ritual is a relentless commitment, come rain, hail or shine.

That is the difference between doing something for ego, and doing it for ritual. Steadiness is the mark of ritual. Rituals of steadiness are repeated day, after day, after day. They are not for self, but are a mark of respect for something higher, like a purpose in life.

Ritual is how we bridge the inspiration of our inner stillness with the spontaneity of everyday life. If you walk around India, you will see this ritual as a way of life. Small paintings on doorsteps, the day couldn't begin without it, or the candle lit in the hall in honor of a deceased relative, or incense burning as a thank you to the Gods. Flowers adorn alters, not requesting privilege, it is an act of ritual. And nothing could prevent it happening. It is a mark of respect to something bigger than the individual.

Rituals are acts of Devotion. Here are some wonderful examples that people have developed and shared with me over the years. Remember, ritual is not an act of manifestation of anything, it is a remembrance of the divine nature of life.

1. Maintaining an altar in your home and keeping it clean daily.

2. Lighting a candle in the evening.

3. Saying a prayer of thank you at meal time.

4. Holding hands in the park.

5. Maintaining a garden.

6. Having a photo wall of those you love.

7. Having an affirmation wall with pictures of future dreams on it

8. Writing love letters to each other and posting them.

9. Cleaning the kitchen as an act of love.

10. Saving money according to an agreed plan for the future.

11. Never going to bed with an argument in progress

12. Loyalty, always standing up for and speaking well of your lover.

13. Prioritisation of your relationship over other things.

14. Maintaining health and wellness so you can turn up for love.

Can you see that we can re arrange many everyday tasks so they become acts of love? Even taking the garbage out can become a ritual act of love that makes your partners life easier. Then we are acting with loving intent, and it will be rewarded ten fold. In this way, we are not feeding the ego through what we do, we are humble to ritual, and the key is to be willing to maintain that ritual even when you don't want to, or need to, any longer. These are just a few ideas on the rituals of love. I am sure you can think of a few more unique ones between you. Remember to make them every day events and easy.

Today, love without expectation. Love someone you hate, love someone you fear, love someone you left behind and don't take their reaction to heart. Make every day a Valentines day, and see how many people you can honor, past present and future. Love them from a place if gratefulness. Love them knowing tomorrow may never come and know that the deepest regret any human being can have, is to hold back their love, even for a second.

Today, light a candle in your heart for all those people that you love or have loved. Drink a glass of fresh water to their beauty, their gifts and their ways. Hope and wish that today, on this everyday Valentines day, they are in love, with love and they are happy. What else could real love be, but the wish for someone else's happiness.

Loving acts are acts done out of love, because of love, and without the expectation of love in return.

Humility is important as well. To get past the Ego is to cut away the rough edges of vanity, which hurts and disturbs those one meets in life. Vanity is separateness. Truly loving individuals will recognise themselves in others, and rather than judge them as less, they appreciate the mirror. It is of no service to yourself or your relationship to judge another as less or more. It is expansive to acknowledge our own humility. So many of life's stresses can be extinguished at the source, if we are able to recognise ourselves in others.

Devotion means that our lover's happiness becomes a high priority. This is the demonstration of our love. There is nothing more important, nothing more potent, than the small acts of our devotion. We dedicate every circumstance we can to their improvement and happiness.

Sacred Love - The Rituals of Love


How To Complete A Loan Application Form

When filling out a loan application form it is important that you do so with the utmost attention to detail. There is so much more to filling out an application than just filling in the blanks. What you really should be doing is looking at the application from the standpoint of your potential lender. What would you expect out of a loan application? How would you want it to look? Should everything be accurate?

What Would You Expect Out Of A Loan Application?


As a potential lender, you would expect that it be filled out in its entirety. This is how you need to be looking at the application while you are filling it out to receive a loan or any type of credit for that matter. Look at it from their point of view. If there are any blank fields left in the application, this leaves a void for the lender and even may raise a red flag in the lender's mind, wondering what you may be hiding since you left that information blank.

Blank fields could mean more time for the both of you. If you inadvertently leave something important blank, you are either going to get a call from the lender to come back in and complete the loan application or it will be denied for this reason, and you will have to fill the form out all over again. Therefore, make sure you leave nothing blank. In areas where they do not apply, simply put N/A or note that it does not apply.

How Would You Want It To Look?

Remember in grade school when your teacher told you that neatness counts? That statement is true, and is true particularly for an application. Again, put yourself in the shoes of the potential lender. Would you accept an application that was sloppy? No, you want to make sure that an actual form application is written clearly. For a form application, that you have to fill out by hand make sure you:

Print Neatly. Avoid Overly Large Handwriting. Avoid Overly Small Handwriting.

For forms that must be filled out online, you should:

Avoid using all uppercase letters Use Capitalization where necessary, such as Names, Street Addresses, and State Abbreviations
Should Everything Be Accurate?

Absolutely! Nothing will get your loan application denied faster than the lender discovering that you lied on the form, even if you have excellent credit. Would you accept any application that was fabricated in any way? Make sure that you DO make yourself look positive in the eyes of the potential lender, however, make sure it is done so accurately. Avoid negativity if at all possible, but remember honesty is always the best policy and potential lenders will definitely see you in a better light if you are honest.

If the loan application allows you to leave any notes or comments that should be taken into consideration by the lender, it is important that you take advantage of this area. You will want to put yourself in a positive perspective. Do not beg or whine to the lender, this will make you look bad. However, make sure, particularly if your credit is less than perfect or bad, to present yourself in a positive manner.

Knowing how to fill out one means more than just filling in the blanks. Doing it right the first time can save you a lot of headaches and hassles.

How To Complete A Loan Application Form


Turn Theories Into Practical Applications With A Psychology Course

It seems every time we turn around, a new career path is being created. If there is one thing all these options have in common is a conventional, simple college degree focusing on one key area is not enough. These interdisciplinary occupations are often a mixed bag, relying on two or more academic tracks; one usually as a major, the other as a minor. That being the case, those studying many of the humanities and business might want to consider psychology as their minor.

In its near 150 years of existence, one thing psychology has proven is it can be applied to just about every discipline involving a human being. At its core, it's a science that specializes in understanding such basic human factors as motivation, desire and human behavior in general. As such, it can be applied to everything - from those as ethereal as history or art appreciation, to as pragmatic as marketing, health care and criminal justice.


If anything, a professional armed with a psychology minor now has the tools to not only quantify how a person or group will do something, but also get into why that group or individual did it. This can provide an employer with invaluable data when it comes to everything from planning an advertising campaign to fighting crime.

One thing students will find is just how fascinating a field psychology can be. Yes, most everyone has heard of such historic contributors as Freud or Skinner, as well as the team of Masters and Johnson. On a more practical front, the concepts these various psychologists produced provide some illuminating philosophies on how the mind works.

One can pile up the reasons to consider courses in psychology. Fortunately, a student can test the waters pretty easily before making the jump. What that student can do is simply consult with their brick and mortar or online college's list of courses and take an Introduction to Psychology course as a free elective. If you like the class, and do well, then consult with your career counselor about making it a minor. If not, you filled a free elective class at the worst.

If you do decide to continue, recommended additional courses should include courses with titles like Analysis of Psychological Data, Behavior, Applied Psychology and Development. In all, most schools require one or two basic courses and three to four advanced, but that's another subject to discuss with your career counselor.

True, there is no study showing if people with psychology minors do earn more than those who don't have one. On the other hand, there's anecdotal data proving those with better-rounded degrees are becoming more desirable than those who concentrated on one field and one field only.

Turn Theories Into Practical Applications With A Psychology Course


USC Pharmacy School Application Requirements and Tips From an Accepted Student

I will begin with the statistics of the accepted students into the University of Southern California Doctor of Pharmacy program for 2009. 460 students were offered interviews from a pool of over 2000 applicants. 240 students are accepted (11 students from out-of-state schools), and the expected class size for 2009 is 190. One must note that USC offers their undergraduates the opportunity of guaranteed admission as long as they complete their requirements in the TAP program (these students take up a large chunk of seats available for other applicants).

application software

Obtaining a Bachelor's degree is now a requirement for admission at USC. The minimum GPA requirement is a 3.0 (the average GPA of accepted students is a 3.60). Since USC does not require taking the PCAT, other admission criteria is weighed more heavily (GPA, interview performance, extracurricular activities, personal statements, etc.).


For the application process, it is very important for you to note that the University of Southern California sends out interview invitations on a rolling basis, so it is important that you turn in your PharmCAS application and supplemental application as soon as possible. The deadlines for both are early November, but I highly recommend that you turn both in no latter than early August (I turned in my applications by mid-July, just 1.5 months after the application was made available).

At your interview, you will be asked questions by a current pharmacy school student as well as a faculty member. Think of it more of a conversation where you also ask questions back to both of them. When you first arrive at the interview session, you will be greeted by several current pharmacy students, who do a great job of calming you down prior to your interview. Take this opportunity to ask questions and warm up your oral communication skills. Do not worry to much about the "essay" portion as it is just a test of how well you take notes off of a random article that you read. BE SURE to follow all directions provided to you as it is also a test on how well you pay attention to details.

Here are the pre-requisites for USC's pharmacy program:

Calculus (for science majors)
Statistics (non-business)
Physics w/lab (science/life science majors- thermodynamics & Electromagnetism recommended)
General Biology w/lab (excludes human anatomy & physiology, botany, and microbiology)
Mammalian Physiology w/lab (human preferred-excludes plant, cell and marine physiology)
Microbiology w/lab (fundamentals of microbiology for science majors)
Molecular or Cell Biology(for science majors-one upper division course)
General Chemistry w/lab (for science majors-include inorganic & qualitative analysis)
Organic Chemistry w/lab (for science majors)
Biochemistry (for science majors one upper division course)
Human Behavior (General Psychology or Introductory Sociology)

For Internationals (holders of foreign US bachelor's equivalent):
English (expository writing)
Interpersonal Communications or Public Speaking

For specific course equivalencies from your college, please check the forms available from USC's website.

The Pharm.D. program at USC is a 4 year program. USC is a private school, and our estimated tuition and cost of living for 2009 is approximately ,000.

The University of Southern California provides students the opportunity to pursue dual degrees in addition to their Doctor of Pharmacy Degree. These include the following:

Pharm.D./Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
Pharm.D./Juris Doctor(J.D.)
Pharm.D./Master of Public Health (M.P.H.)
Pharm.D./Master of Science in Regulatory Science (M.S. Regulatory Science)
Pharm.D./ Master of Science in Gerontology (M.S.G.)
Pharm.D./Graduate Certificate in Gerontology (Gerontology Certificate)
Pharm.D./Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

USC Pharmacy School Application Requirements and Tips From an Accepted Student


Friday, October 14, 2011

Form I-131, Application for Travel Document

An Application for Travel Document is for people under different circumstances to help them re enter the U.S. after temporary international travel. Form I-131 should be filed with the USCIS to apply for a re-entry permit, refugee travel document or advance parole travel document, to include parole into the US for humanitarian reasons.

application study bible

Advance Parole is for applicants who have a pending Form I-485, Application to Adjust Status to Permanent Resident, and who wish to travel before the application is approved. Refugee Travel Document is for applicants who hold Refugee or Asylee status in the US and who wish to travel abroad.


A Re-entry Permit is for Lawful Permanent Residents (green card holders) who will be outside the United States for an extended period of time, normally one year or more.

Applications for re entry permit should be filed in the U.S. Additionally the Lawful Permanent Resident has to appear for a biometrics appointment (fingerprinting) before he or she can leave the country. You can leave the U.S. after getting the fingerprinting done and pick up the document at a U.S. Consulate or DHS office abroad. Else, you may remain in the U.S. until the application is approved. Processing times differ, but generally range from three to six months.

Re entry Permits are valid only for two years and cannot be renewed. But you can return to the U.S. to file another application. Normally, a Lawful Permanent Resident can spend almost six years outside the U.S. and retain his/her Re entry Permit.

If you are filing the I-131 application based on your pending or approved Form I-821, you should file your form with the USCIS Dallas Lock box facility. Additionally, you should include a copy of the I-797 C Notice of Action that shows that your application was accepted or approved.

If you are applying for renewal of your advance parole document, USCIS will accept and adjudicate Form I-131 filed up to 120 days before the date your Advance Parole document that you have at present expires.

All Refugees or Reentry Permit applicants should complete biometrics at an Application Support Center (ASC). They should get the fingerprinting done at an overseas USCIS facility if applying for a Refugee Travel Document while being outside of the U.S.. If you are between 14 and 79 years old and you are applying for a Document or Re-entry Permit, you have to be fingerprinted as part of USCIS biometric services requirements.

Once you have filed this application, USCIS will notify you of the time/location of your biometrics appointment. If you fail to appear for biometrics, it might result in a denial of your application. All applicants for Re-entry Permit and/or Refugee Travel Documents aged between 14 and 79 years should pay an additional biometric fee.

The submission fee for advance parole or re-entry permit is 0 and for a Refugee Travel Document for applicants aged 16 or older is 5. For a child below 16 years of age, the fee is 5. Applicants aged between 14 and 79 should pay a biometric fee of for a Reentry Permit and a Refugee Travel Document, unless the applicant resides abroad at the time of filing their form. Advance parole applicants need not pay the biometric fee.

The submission fee and biometrics services fee can be paid with a single check for 5 and it should be made payable to Department of Homeland Security.

Form I-131, Application for Travel Document


Application of the 48 Laws of Power

The 48 Laws of Power is the best-selling book written by Robert Green which presents a set of 48 laws that show people how to obtain strength, preserve it, and defend themselves against those powerful folks who make their lives difficult. Compared with most self-help books, The 48 Laws of Power delivers assistance that the author freely admits is, on occasion, cunning and amoral. It entails lessons like "Law 1: Never outshine the master" and "Law 14: Pose as a friend, work as a spy."

applications and investigations in earth science

In ones life, you're far better off following the teachings of Moses, Jesus, or Buddha to acquire long-term happiness. But the sad reality is, many men and women are living by a quite distinct group of principles, and while most of those folks eventually self-destruct, they can inflict severe injury on our private and professional lives in the process.


The 48 Rules of Power is really a good primer for learning how these individuals feel. I've spotted a number of similar books inside Enterprise section (like "Career Warfare" and classics like the "Art of War") of my local bookseller, but none put things really as succinctly as this one. In the present predatory work culture of jobs that let you own a home and struggle to all of the bills month to month having a little amount left over, you undoubtedly will be the target of those methods at some point. You need to go through books like these to know how several folks at the top believe.

But don't live out some of those guidelines in your lifetime (e.g., crush your enemy totally) - because there will always be an individual who does it greater, and you'll get crushed. Reality basically doesn't function that way - as well as if you survive professionally, the spiritual rot and private decay will leave you an isolated, paranoid wreck. Study this book within the spirit of C.S. Lewis' Screwtape Letters, by which a master demon offers advice to a protege on how you can destroy mortals. Understand the way to spot people who live like this - and then stay very, far away. Jesus mentioned, "Be wise as serpents but innocent as doves." Reading "The 48 Laws of Power" in the right spirit, will assist you with both.

The laws are distilled from colorful anecdotes from 4,000 years of history. They include things like insights into the scheming of potent people for instance Al Capone, P.T. Barnum and Henry Kissinger. The book has proved being so common it has spawned a number of sequels, one lately co-authored by the popular rapper 50 Cent, named "The 50th Law." Even though the book, The 48 Laws of Power, itself is a lot more than 400 pages, just reading the laws themselves may be a starting point for thought or discussion.

Application of the 48 Laws of Power


FBML Vs iFrame - Facebook Applications

FBML is a Facebook proprietary markup language, very similar to HTML which gives programmers a lot of existing visual controls used to make a user interface in a natural Facebook look. On another side iFrame applications are running in iFrame inside Facebook environment as any other web application with its own styles. However some Facebook features have to be made using FBML and because of this there is technology called XFBML to import mandatory visual features in iFrame applications.

Since FBML applications are much better connect with Facebook, visual FBML controls are drown much faster then for iFrame applications. However there are also some disadvantages which FBML applications have vs
iFrame applications and vice versa. Developer of Facebook application have to consider what are his requirement for application and decide which the better type for development.


FBML advantages

1. Faster load of visual controls
2. Complete set of controls available (some controls are available only for FBML apps)
3. Easier usage of controls
4. Developing in PHP programming model

FBML disadvantages

1. Dependency on Facebook
2. XFBML and HTML is an only allowed technology to use. No Java Script and Flash
3. Impossibility to run on local machine which make difficulty in development
4. Forcing unnatural programming style for some platform as ASP. NET and JSF Iframe advantages

1. Independence of Facebook, easier to transfer the app on another platform as MySpace and Bebo
2. All web technologies can be used
3. Can be developed on local machine and run from IDE
4. Easier to use from platform as ASP.NET and JSF
5. Compatible technology as for Facebook Connect web sites makes transferring of Facebook application to standalone Facebook Connect web site is much easier. iFrame disadvantages

1. Slower load of FBML controls using XFBML
2. Not all FBML controls are available

Decision of which type of application to choose is not an easy one. From my side smaller load and luck of some controls are much less drawbacks than impossibility to use JavaScript and Flash especial for games. Also big advantage is compatible technology with Facebook Connect web sites and possibility to run and debug from local machine.

FBML Vs iFrame - Facebook Applications


School Management Application Software - A Solution for School

In recent years the concept of School Management has got revolutionary change due to the advancement of Software. Now a days large scale softwares are implemented to run the school smoothly. There are numerous numbers of Softwares and Applications available in the market which can be used by customizing according to the needs.

There are many large schools in our society and the running of administration is a big challenge in itself. The management needs to look after many thing besides educating the students. There are unlimited paper work involved in a particular session of school. The School Management needs to employ a large number of people to carry out the paper work, which is a big monetary factor for the school.


Therefore, the management has to opt for a better and more efficient solution to carry out the things in a proper direction, Software is a great solution for the particular problem.

Software takes all the headache to perform the calculation, scheduling, job allocation, renumeration calculation, Accounting and many other complex jobs involved. The biggest advantage of using software is that lesser number of employees will be engaged for the paper work. So, the school management can allocate more and more people to their basic work which is to teach the students.

School Management Application Software - A Solution for School