Friday, December 2, 2011

Credit Card Processing Online App For iPhone

Within a very short span of time credit cards have gained immense popularity. Today the majority of people use credit cards to make payments for their offline and online purchases. Businesses have understood the importance of accepting cards to receive payments from their customers and today, almost all businesses accept cards.

Irrespective of your mode of business, online or offline, you need to have a card acceptance facility at your mercantile establishment. To accept payments from your client it is essential that you have a card terminal. The terminal has to be connected to a payment gateway through a phone line. The terminal acts as a processor and plays a crucial role in allowing businesses to accept payments.


Accepting payments through cards can boost your sales by almost 50%. This would increase your revenue by a considerable margin. However, card terminals are fixed to one place and are not portable. This could be a hindrance if you are into door-to-door selling. The immobility of terminals can result in loss of sales as the customers don't have the option to make payments with visa or master card.

To overcome this problem you can download a card processing online application for iPhone. These applications would convert your iPhone into a portable card payment processor. Thus, it allows you to accept payments from your clients through credit cards anytime and at any place. You can complete the card payment process simply by entering your client's card details such as the amount of payment, the card number, date of expiry of the card, and verification code in your iPhone. Once you enter the details in the application that you have installed in your iPhone, the transaction would get completed instantaneously and would give you immediate feedback if the payment is accepted successfully or is denied.

Apart from completing the payment process in quick time, card processing online application for iPhone conducts the payment transaction in a secured manner. You can assure your clients that it is a very secure payment method as the card details entered through this application interface are directly transmitted in an encrypted form to the payment gateway to validate payment. These applications do not store the card details on the iPhone.

Apart from being a secured and quick application, credit card processing online application for iPhone has other advantageous features, which are:

o These applications are compatible with almost all payment gateway programs.

o With credit card processing online application for iPhone you won't need a card reader to complete the transaction.

o With an application installed in your iPhone you can free yourself from carrying the bulky credit card machines.

o The credit card processing online application for iPhone is pre-loaded with Address Verification System (AVS)

o You don't require a cable.

Simply installing the Credit Card Processing online App for iPhone on your phone would not help you. To be able to process the payment you need to have a merchant account with any of the compatible payment gateways.

Credit Card Processing Online App For iPhone


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